Two young boys stand at the doorway to a home. One is proudly holding a large fish, the other holds a little chick.

Lights of the Amazon

A photo with illustration touches depicting an old man bent over a large pile of garbage, picking out items.

There are more than 7.5 billion people on earth and we use 1.5 times more resources than we have. There will be 9.7 billion by 2050; we'll need 3 planters to sustain our lifestyles. We don't have 3 planets. A radical re-thinking is required.

UNDP Eurasia brings you the story of Zahra, an Afghan young woman who went to Kazakhstan in order to study English and obtain a master's degree in Statistics.

A girl strokes a fawn on a guesthouse property.

The Balkans: an Epic Trail Comes to Life

An areal view of the floating gardens of Lake Inle.

Inle Lake: Nature and Livelihoods

Safa, a young woman with a disability, looks at her reflection in a mirror with pride.

Building Social Bonds, Improving Lives

urban roof with solar panels

World leaders called for a decade of action to deliver the SDGs by 2030 and announced more than 100 ‘accelerated actions’—voluntary undertakings to speed up progress. Who’s doing what?

By the time you're 18, the internet has collected 70,000 data points from you. Privacy of young people in the digital space is also a human right.

Spectacular areal view of a bridge.

Climate Finance Can Help Manage Risk in Bosnia and Herzegovina

recycling plastic bottle

Whether you are planning an end of the year celebration for your organization or a get-together with friends, you can make your event better for the planet. Here are some ideas of how to make your holiday gatherings greener.

Photo of Dmitry Kuzuk going over a curb in his wheelchair.

Going the Distance: A Disability Rights Activist Races Towards Equality

young people interacting with their peers

In recognition of young people as positive agents of change, UNDP launched the 16 x 16 Initiative in 2019. The initiative spotlights and accompanies 16 young leaders, who bring to the forefront the major issues in their communities, countries and advance SDG Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


The overarching aim of the Paris Agreement is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure that global temperatures don’t rise more than 2C above pre-industrial levels this century, and ultimately pursue a scenario where temperature rise remains below 1.5C. NDC stands for a Nationally Determined Contribution. For the Paris Agreement goals to be achieved, every country needs to play its part.

A girl stands proud at a doorway and a colorful curtain flutters behind her as the sun shines on her face.

Bridging the HIV Divide

A closeup shot of a Spoon-billed Sandpiper (critically endangered bird) as it drinks water. Also seen is a clear reflection of the bird on the water surface.

Co-operation for Co-existence